
Diablo III, one of the best-selling PC games.

IMAGE / SOURCE   Diablo III is a "dark fantasy" and "horror action role-playing game " developed by Blizzard Entertainment in the United States. This is Diablo's third series game , and it's one of the best-selling games with more than 30 million sales. On June 28, 2008, it was announced at an official event in Paris, France, but before the announcement, it ran a teaser advertisement on its official website. It was officially released on May 15, 2012. More than 5,000 people gathered at 4,000 limited-edition news outlets to set up tents and homeless at a convenience store in front of a nearby mart. Also, according to Blizzard Entertainment's official announcement on June 1, 2012, the best concurrent users of Asian servers were 640,000 and 430,000 were Korean players. IMAGE / SOURCE Diablo III's View of the World Diablo III explains the " Dark Fantasy " of the Diablo series in the world called " The Holy Station ." In summary,...

Online video game expert, today we're going to start reviewing "Pass of Exile."

              Photo=Path of exile /  Source= This is an online ARPG game developed by Grinding Gear Games , a developer specializing in indie games. ARPG means that unlike ordinary RPG games , you can manipulate characters and hunt monsters in real time and fight. Pes of Exile can be played free of charge and items that can decorate the warehouse and characters are partially charged. Close beta testing was conducted for about two years and Pass of Exile was launched in October 2013.                       Pass of Exile What jobs are there? For Path of exile  Various characters' jobs are prepared. Let's look at the job list. There are seven role groups. The first is " Witch ." The occupational group is divided into three categories: occult , elite , and necromancer . The second one is " Shadow ." The shadow is composed of three types: Assassin, Tricks...

Online video game review expert "Counterstrike Global Offensive" Review will be launched

      Photo= Counter Strike: Global Offensive / Source=   What's the counterstrike: Global Offensive ? Developed by Hidden Pass Entertainment, Counterstrike Global Offensive is a multi-player, first-person shooting game . Teams are divided into two types. There are two teams, terrorists and counter-terrorists . Terrorists are different depending on the mode of the game, but don't set up bombs or take hostages. On the other hand, anti-terrorists need to dismantle terrorist bombs or rescue the hostages that the Teterist has. Also, unlike other FPS game s, there are 9 game modes prepared. Also, it will be divided into two versions: free version and prime version. Prime mode costs 15 dollars. However, even if you don't buy it, you can upgrade to a Prime account automatically if you reach the goal of Profile Rank by 21.   Photo= Counter Strike: Global Offensive / Source= Counterstrike Global Offensive ...

Online Video Game Specialist Today, we will begin our most popular game, "Fortnite" Review.

                           (Photo=Fortnite) (Sources:                                  Hello, readers, I'm an online game reviewr . I went on vacation for a few days. I'm sitting at my desk organizing my thoughts during the vacation. I thought a lot about which game reviews I should introduce to my readers. Although my expertise is somewhat lacking, if my realistic game review helps you, I will not stop the game review for you.   Fortnite , first launched in Epic Games on September 27, 2017, is an online video game. It is easy and easy to enjoy and received good reviews from gamers. Also, casual gamers usually play this game. And Fortnite is a Battle Royale game in which 100 players win if they have the last one left. It's a game similar to Battlegrou...

an online video game expert Today, we will start the review of Overwatch.

              (Photo=Over Watch) (Sources: ) Hyper FPS Game Overwatch , a multiplayer team based on " Blizzard ," was first launched worldwide on May 24, 2016 on PC, Xboxes and PS4. There are heroes I can choose from in Overwatch , and as a result of the author's own experience, there are a total of 32 heroes who were released by July 2020. With the official announcement of Overwatch, he also announced that there is a high possibility that no new heroes will emerge in 2020.  Skin that always follows FPS games ? Recently, many FPS games have been equipped with "Skin" After playing many FPS games, there was no FPS game without "Skin." But the difference between Overwatch and other FPS games is that Overwatch can all 32 heroes get their skins through the "Traditional Box" and it is actually difficult to have the skin of a particular hero I want. But there was a slight difference here because other FPS ga...

Korean Go-Stop and Poker Game

“go stop rule” jaykelly last modified Jan 8, 2020, accessed sep 2, 2020, "Hwatu," consisting of 12 types and 48 chapters, is associated with a Korean-style "go-stop" game. First of all, you need a hwatu to play Go-Stop. The origin of hwatu was named "HanaFuda," a Japanese card game. In the 19th century, when Hanafuda, a Japanese card game, came to Korea, it was changed.  “go stop rule” jaykelly last modified Jan 8, 2020, accessed sep 2, 2020, The reason why Go-Stop is not welcomed in Korea Go-stop is a game that came from Japan. It was not welcomed by people because it was a "dwarf coat." There was also a saying that the "government policy" should abolish the chemical investment entity. In conclusion, Hwatoo was designed and changed into a Korean style painting and transformed into a lot of play with people's efforts. There are many kinds ...

검증된 바둑이게임이란? 바둑이사이트추천이 동반되어야 한다.

네덜란드의 문화사학자 조안 후이징가는 인간을 "호모 루덴스"라고 정의했다. 호모 루덴스는 '플레이어' 또는 '플레이어'를 의미한다. 그는 인간의 독특한 특징 중 하나가 놀이인데, 놀이가 문화와 사회를 만드는 원동력이라고 주장했다. 이 개념은 21세기의 문화 콘텐츠 시대와 일치한다. 오늘날 차세대 성장동력으로 주목받는 문화콘텐츠(방송, 영화, 만화, 게임, 음악, 스포츠, 테마파크, 바둑이사이트 , 축제 등) 산업은 모두 놀이에 기반을 두고 있다. 인간의 삶에는 다양한 놀이 유형과 형태가 있으며, '보드 게임'은 인류 역사상 가장 오래 지속된 놀이 문화다. 보드게임은 말이나 카드를 놀이터에 놓고 일정한 규칙에 따라 하는 게임이다. 전통 보드게임은 바둑이나 체스, 체스나 윷놀이 등이 있고, 현대 보드게임은 젠가와 모노폴리 등이 있다. 보드 게임은 즐거움뿐만 아니라 건강한 생활 문화의 의미와 교육적 가치를 가지고 있다. 이에 따라 미국 독일 등 선진국에서도 보드게임 문화가 널리 퍼졌다. 반면 보드게임 문화는 아직 국내 일상생활로 확산되지 않고 있다. 보드 게임에 관한 한, 대부분의 사람들은 블루 마블이나 할리 갈리 같은 몇 가지 게임만을 생각한다. 한국에서 보드게임 문화가 대중화되면 어떨까? 놀이를 통해 문화적 창의력을 발산하는 21세기 인재 호모 루덴스로 거듭나는 데 도움이 되지 않을까. 모바일 게임 '모두의 마블'의 성공 스토리가 보여주듯 보드게임 역시 IT, 게임, 교육산업에서 가장 집중된 분야다. 잠재력은 무한하지만 아직 잘 알려지지 않은 보드게임. 이를 자세히 살펴보기 위해 국내 1위 보드게임 업체인 코리아보드게임즈의 정영훈 대표를 만났다. 코리아보드게임즈는 2004년 설립된 보드게임 회사로 보드게임 개발, 유통, 판매를 아우른다. 보드 게임의 잠재력? 재미와 소통, 교육 효과, 문화적 가치. '보드 게임'은 종종 몇 개의 유명한 게임만 떠올리지만, 전세계적으로 4만 ...